Men of War Wiki
General information
Nation Germany
Category Tank Destroyers
Class Medium Tank Destroyer
Primary Armament 88mm PaK 43 (AP, HE, APCR)
Armor 30, 30, 30, 22 (front, side, rear, top)
Crew 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)
Secondary information
MP price 900
Speed 27
Fuel 470


German tank destroyer, good for sniping.


The Nashorn was developed as an interim solution in 1942 by equipping a light turretless chassis based on the Panzer III and Panzer IV tanks with the 8.8cm Pak 43/1 anti-tank gun. Though only lightly armoured and displaying a high profile, it could frontally penetrate any Allied tank at long range, and its relatively low cost and superior mobility to heavier vehicles ensured it remained in production until the war's end.
